
About 700 km
of marked hiking trails ...

Ellmau is a remarkably diverse hiking paradise awaiting your discovery: idyllic valleys, soft grassy hills and precipitous mountains. The variety of tours is huge, and can be combined however you wish - plenty of scenic charm guaranteed. More than 400 km of signed hiking paths lead you safely through one of the prettiest regions in Tyrol.

A true mountain experience is out there for everyone. Even for the not-so-fit walker there are lifts or cable cars ready to whisk you up quickly and comfortably to higher altitudes with views aplenty. Once you arrive at the top, a whole new world emerges with amazing views. The blossoms of the alpine roses in June, the sweet smell of the orchids in the summer, unforgettable sunrises, golden-yellow grass in Autumn, unrestricted views of the peaks - really a stunning place!  Come and experience for yourself!   


Das spricht für uns!
Top Lage

In mitten der Skigebiete und Badeseen

für die familie

Viele Aktivitäten in der Nähe


Auf Wunsch Frühstücksbuffet

Viele Berge

Mountainbiken, Wandern...

ruhe & erholung

Sauna und Ruheraum

um unser haus

Sparmarkt, Bäckerei